Book ReviewsA collection of book reviews

  • Chris Patten is an apt author for a book on the dark and bright side of globalisation, having served as the Last Governor of Hong Kong (from 1992 to 1997), a society, which he describes as liberal but not democratic, and having held positions in England such as that of Minister for Overseas Development and Secretary of State for Environment. He cur[...]

  • If you have zero financial intelligence ('the mental process via which we solve our financial problems') do read this book. If your financial intelligence is top notch definitely read this book. And if you are just about able to manage your finances, 'working for money', living paycheck-to-paycheck or are starting out on your adult working life, th[...]

  • Every once in a while, one is lucky to read a book that strikes a personal chord. In my case City of Djinns does for a very simple reason. The start of William Dalrymple's 11 months when he lived in Delhi which is the basis of his historic travelogue, City of Djinns, was September 1988, exactly the same year and month I moved to the city, of course[...]

  • It isn't a book I would instinctively gravitate towards and therefore glad to have met an editor with a publishing house a few weeks ago, who suggested it, as a readable and practical choice; between the intimidating, encyclopaedia-sized Chicago Manual of Style and the few paged hand-out her firm has put together that just about skims the surface, [...]